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Motivation for sports & exercise

When you hear about self motivation and how that is helping people to achieve in sports and in their exercise programs is this something you have thought about pursuing?

Motivation (whether that be self motivation or assisted) you will find will be on of the key areas to your success in achieving new results for whatever type of training you apply it to. When something is new, there is a natural enthusiasm that carries you along - whether that's a job, a new partner, or a new workout programme. The trick is how to keep your motivation when that initial flush of enthusiasm wears off.

It's well documented how susceptible exercise is to this - health clubs do booming business in January as all those with a workout resolution sign up, but most of them are gone by February, unable to provide the self motivation to work through the seemingly pointless workouts.

So how do you keep yours?

  1. Be realistic :

    Before even starting, accept that it's hard work. If you think it's all great music and new clothes, then you'll quit when the going gets tough. Additionally, you have to accept that life interferes - if you plan to workout every day, you'll fail, whereas if you plan to workout 3 - 4 times per week, you are far more likely to succeed.

  2. Set goals :

    In any enterprise, having clear and attainable goals helps us keep going. Your goal might relate to weight loss, improvement in performance, or even something as simple as completing a set number of workouts in a given period. Alternatively, many people target a particular race or event.

  3. Find a partner :

    Workouts are much more fun if you have someone else to do them with. It also makes you more likely to show up on a rainy November evening if you know your friend will be there waiting for you.

  4. And if all else fails, hire a personal trainer :

    In addition to designing an effective programme, a good trainer will provide all the encouragement and inspiration you need to keep going.



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