Sports & fitness communityWe've developed our health and fitness and sports community section to bring together fitness quiz and exercise forums, key articles in dedicated topic areas and also some simple tools that you can use as and when.
With our health and fitness community channel, we want to help you to find out more about working out and getting fit from our hundreds of health & fitness articles, quizzes covering all topics and links to key areas of the site. |
Do know all about sports injuries and prevention. Think you've got one? Find out more on stretching and how to treat an injury the right way.
Try some women's health quizzes on topics including menopause, pregnancy or even reducing stretch marks the quickest way.
Popular quizzes
 We have literally hundreds of quizzes, but some are more popular than others, so we've presented them here for you to make life easy :
 Top tips : How often do you work your abs? There is no point doing every day as you need to rest your muscles.
Also vary your workout so that you are doing three or four different types of ab exercise for maximum benefit.
What do you know? A range of simple sports quizzes from coaching to pure fun. Football to athletics and swimming and more.
From natural skin care to working out the type of skin you possess, let our quizzes provide some great tips to help you care for your skin.
As a woman do you know what your body image is? Do you suffer from no confidence or low self esteem - try our simple quiz.
A run down of simple and easy exercises for weight lifting to build muscle and strength. Links to other exercises and videos.
Calorie & weight calculators  Quick quizzes on slimming and weight loss topics to give you some tips and ideas on diets
» BMI calculator
» Body shape 
» Calorie Counter
» Calories in food
» Calorie burned
» Glycemic index
» Pregnancy calendar
» Target heart rate