Fitness & exerciseFor real fitness and exercise advice, from weight training and bodybuilding advice through to keeping fit with studio classes, check our dedicated channels. Over 1000 pages of exercise & fitness content to help you.
From simple exercise tips, through to videos for popular exercises, exercise products or a personal trainer, our fitness exercise section starts right here. |
Advice on different ways to get a full body workout with Yoga, training, Pilates and of course exercises including classes.
Over 70 Livingwell gyms across the UK, so read our review for new deals
160+ value for money health clubs and gyms based right across the UK.
Popular types of exercises
Whatever your needs for a gym, read our sound advice to save time and money whether it's a gym, leisure centre or health club :
Make sure you get a good workout by reading our articles that should help you to train the right way whatever your actual exercise plan! |
With 70 clubs across the UK and clubs that offer month by month membership - read our review.
 Top tips : Did you know women generally want a cross trainer or power plate, guys prefer rowing machines and dumbells but outright fave is treadmills and/or bikes.
For ideas on women-specific workout programs you can target toning and aerobic fitness rather then muscle building!
The UK's leading health, fitness and racquest club with over 60 clubs nationwide - read our review now
A great way to benchmark your fitness before you start a new plan - the lower the better! Read our simple guide to this important reading.
Want to know how to build endurance and increase your aerobic stamina - then circuits may be the answer - gym routines explained
Supplements & Nutrition Alongside training, supplement your body with key proteins, amino acids and minerals - read some of our articles for advice & tips.
» Protein supplements
» Maximuscle products 
» Sports drinks
» Sports supplements
» Vitamin C
» Vitamin supplements
» Nutritional vitamins 