Health & BeautyFor a range of health & beauty advice, beauty products or even treatments, then our dedicated channel will be able to help with articles, quizzes and tips to help you discover the information you need.
Whether you are after basic health and beauty articles that cover treatments for your body, or whether looking for advice on using cosmetics or looking after your nails, our beauty channel has extensive articles and advice for you. |
Advice on how a good beauty regime can benefit your hair, nails and skin and indirectly your posture due to increased confidence.
A quick rundown of the options for spa breaks and getaways - from days to weekends or spa holidays. Also reviews of all leading UK spas.
With spa treatments ranging from facials to pedicures and manicures, take a quick look at our advice to get some ideas for a weekend away :
See the latest beauty and spa products showcased from leading brands. |
 Beautiful skin tips : Improve your complexion by drinking eight or more glasses of water (about 2 litres) every day. If you also avoid foods that make your skin less oily, your face will become more resistant to skin blemishes.
Dedicated articles all about beauty - including skin care, treatments, make up, nail care, looking good feeling good and more.
Knowing your skin type can help with your overall beauty and cleansing regime - to the benefit of your skin and confidence.
With 13 Hotel Spa locations across the UK, you get superb treatments & luxury surroundsing in which to relax.
Do you know your dry skin from oily skin type, how to cleanse or refresh? Check our quiz to see.
Find your local salon Why not treat yourself to a facial or nail treatment for a little bit of you time!
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