Home / Beauty / Beauty Salons / Beauty treatments / Massage MassageWould you like to pamper yourself? Massage, or massage therapy for it's full title, is excellent for relieving muscular tension, reducing stress, improving circulation and joint mobility, combating mental fatigue, and helping to soothe the mind body and spirit.
Should you have a preference for a male or female therapist, request so when booking your appointment. Wear what you feel comfortable in, bearing in mind that robes and towels should be provided for you to wear over your undergarments. You can expect to lie on a table, undressed, and draped in a towel for warmth and to preserve your modesty. Generally, the area of the body being worked on is the only one to be exposed during treatment. You will likely remain face up or down for the first part of the session and then be asked to roll onto your other side. Sessions generally last between a quarter of an hour to one hour, with prices varying accordingly. |