To understand indian head massage you need to think itis essentially a mixture of shiatsu and acupressure on your face, skull and scalp. The shoulders, upper back, hands and arms are also often included. Indian head massage was originally used in India over a thousand years ago by mothers on their children.
The hindi word 'champi' is also used to describe Indian head massage. It is in fact the root of the word shampoo and originally being 'champied' meant using this treatment to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. There are different strokes used such as the "comb", "root pull" or "spider walk". None are painful and the feeling of relaxation tends to be instantaneous.
What are the benefits of Indian Head Massage?
Modern life can be very stressful and this treatment is particularly good for releasing tension. It can help to ease headaches as well as pain in the neck and shoulders caused by stress.
By improving circulation to the head, it can relieve strain on the eyes as well as clearing up scalp and hair difficulties. It can be a great source of relief for those suffering from high blood pressure. By relieving muscle tension, it can help improve movement.
It is especially good for those who have impaired mobility or use a wheelchair. By opening up the chakras, or energy wheels, of your mind, body and spirit, this treatment helps to keep your life force flowing. As such, it boosts your natural immune system and unblocks the flow of energy around your body. It's a powerful form of therapy that has the advantage of being easily performed anywhere and at any time.