Originally beginning in India over two thousand years ago thai massage is also known as ancient or traditional or Nuad Phaen Boran, Thai massage is a classical form of therapy. Based on the idea that our well being is dependent on our life force or energy being able to flow around our bodies, Thai massage focuses on releasing possible blockages.
It incorporates certain philosophies of Buddhism and is used for both healing and relaxation. Rather than being oil based, the therapist uses a combination of yoga positions and acupressure to manipulate your body. This form of treatment has grown enormously in popularity in the West and increasing numbers have flown to Thailand to learn from the masters.
One of the many places you can study the traditional form is at Wat Po in Bangkok. Hands, elbows, and knees are used to apply pressure. Stretching the client and even walking on them are also common methods used. While quite intense, it's not normally painful and you should let the therapist know if you are in discomfort.
What are the benefits?
This therapy helps to loosen up the joints and muscles so that movement is improved. It's particularly good for lower back pain and the relief of headaches. It's extremely relaxing and good for meditation. In addition to greater flexibility, it helps to restore balance to your body, mind and spirit.
It improves circulation while decreasing stress levels and increasing energy levels. You will leave feeling more peaceful, calmer and happier in yourself.