Referring to various methods and means of wrapping you up, Envelopments are treatments that are designed to promote healing as well as hydrating your skin wherever you choose to have the 'body wrap'.
The idea is that envelopment treatments will help to relax your muscles, promote your body's own ability to self heal and, if you have chosen aromatherapy wraps, put essential oils onto your skin to be absorbed.
Hot dry envelopments are used to cause you to perspire so that toxins are moved to the surface of the skin where they can be washed away, but be aware that you will lose fluid through this sweating so this will need to be replaced.
Cool moist envelopments, on the other hand, are thought to be good for reducing fevers. A wide variety of conditions can be treated using different temperatures and levels of moisture.
Many people find they are not at one with neing wrapped up and having oils or mud placed against their skin, however for some it provides a feeling of security and calmness. Envelopments work on old principles of using hot and cold therapy to stimulate the skin too.