When you think / know your due, our pregnancy calendar (or pregnancy calculator I suppose is more accurate) will help highlight key timings like the end of first/second third trimesters.
The pregnancy calendar is not designed to supplement any medical notes or timings, more act as a reminder and pinpoint for key events during the 9 months.
Why not also check out our related articles on exercise during pregnancy and our pregnancy quiz.
How to use the pregnancy calculator
Start by entering the date of your last menstrual period - then the number of days in your normal menstrual cycle **. This will give you a due date if you're pregnant!
Also use the pregnancy calculator to determine the following :
- Discover your approx. due date
- Workout a likely conception date
- Get end of the first and second trimester dates
- Workout number of weeks you have been pregnant
** There is an average of 28 days in a menstrual cycle, but it can be anything from 20 to even 45 days. Our pregnancy calendar takes the number of days into account when calculating due and conception dates.
Finally, let thefitmap.co.uk be the first to congratulate you and wish you luck - there's lots of great websites out there with advice on everything from pre- to post natal care.