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Hypnotherapy training

If you are looking for hypnotherapy training, you will find a plethora of providers offering courses. Therefore the trick to hypnotherapy training is finding a quality provider who is able to meet your needs.

Thus your first question when looking for hypnotherapy training is what is your goal? Are you wanting an introductory course, a simple taster? Do you want to learn self-hypnosis in order to deal with some of your own issues? Or are you looking to become a practitioner?

If you just want an introductory course, then you will have lots of choices - issues such as price and convenience might figure high on your list.

At the other end of the scale, if you want to learn how to use this skill as a practitioner, then you need to have very different considerations in mind. The truth is that while the ability to induce hypnosis is easy to acquire, learning how to use this skill effectively within a therapeutic framework takes far longer.

Any course that intends to train you as a practitioner will have to include clinical studies, personal supervision and continuous assessment of your growing skills in addition to the theoretical work.

Finally, you need to be sure that whatever qualification you obtain has widespread recognition. There are numerous providers offering qualifications, but it is essential to ensure that whatever you choose is recognised by a national governing body such as the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or the British Association of Medical Hypnosis (BAMH).




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