Have you ever considered self massage? Self massage is easy to learn, and can be very effective in reducing pain and increasing flexibility. It is suitable for anyone - athletes and members of the general population - and has numerous benefits.
Learning self massage is easy - there are various books available to learn the techniques, or else you can check out websites that demonstrate the techniques.
The truth is that anyone can do it, the only limitations are your own flexibility, and your willingness to give it a go. The benefits of massage include:
- Pain relief, particularly in the back, neck and shoulders
- Improved athletic performance
- Faster recovery between workouts
- Fewer injuries
- It increases energy and reduces stress
- It can release trigger points, acupoints, and endorphins
Typically, however, you either need a tolerant and loving partner, or else have to incur the expense and inconvenience of finding a local therapist. However, by learning the techniques to administer this wonderful treatment to yourself, you make it available to yourself at any time, and place, for free!
Imagine being able to treat yourself as soon as potential injury or problem occurs? You can stop problems from worsening, and get on with your life.
By working on one small area at a time, you are also learning about your own body in the most effective way possible.
Why not give it a go? Your health, quite literally, is in your hands!