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Pilates ring

The modern Pilates ring is based on the original Magic Circle designed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s.

The Pilates Ring is ideal both for home workouts and travelling, being small enough to pack away either in a closet or indeed a suitcase.

The modern Pilates ring is typically made from flexible plastic, with a soft, rubberized shell and padded handles on both the inside and the outside. There are a number of models on the market, with the diameter usually being around 15" (38 cm).

Degree of difficulty is measured against traditional spring circles, with most modern versions the equivalent of 3 or 4 spring circle bands.

Whichever version you select, be sure that it is well made, with sharp edges. To get the best out of your purchase, it is best to also get a video or DVD showing the exercises you can do. There are more than 50 resistance exercises you can perform, helping to improve muscle tone, endurance, coordination and balance.

Areas worked include:

  • Chest
  • Upper arms,
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Pelvic floor
Instructions should demonstrate variations for beginner, intermediate and advanced practitioners. For those who like more traditional designs, it is possible to purchase Spring Circles made from tempered spring steel with padded wooden handles. These are faithful reproductions of the original Magic Circles.

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