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Reflexology & hormonal imbalances

Can reflexology treat hormonal imbalances? This gentle, non-intrusive therapy has a growing number of devotees who have found it to be successful for a whole range of different conditions.

In fact using reflexology to treat hormonal imbalances makes sense if you consider the way in which it works. The therapist uses his knowledge to activate reflex points located on the hands, feet or ears, each of which corresponds to organs, systems and structures of the human body.

By stimulating these reflex points, the therapist is able to help the body to help itself - specifically it can help to eliminate toxins, improve blood supply and boost the immune system, restoring energy and balance.

Many women experience a range of different problems that occur regularly with the different stages of their monthly cycle. These can include digestive problems, migraines, mood swings, and so on.

Helping to balance out the ebb and flow of their hormones can be very effective in treating these problems, as well as making the phases of their monthly cycle less severe.

This can also be effective in helping people deal with issues like depression, sleep disorders, and infertility problems, all of which are associated with problems with hormones.




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