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Sports jobs

A career in sports is a dream for many people - doing something you love and getting paid, what more could you ask for?

If you are serious about working in sports, then training is essential. Any sport you can think of - tennis, rugby, football - will require certification. Each of them has a progressive structure of training qualifications that will take you all the way from assisting with children though to working with professional athletes.

These are usually run by the sport's governing body, so the LTA, RFU and FA web sites would be a good place to start for training information. Other careers, such as being a physiotherapist, have their own certification process, a mix of academic study and hands-on practical sessions.

Job opportunities vary widely, so it's important to do some research and understand the field before you set your hopes on a career.

Check out our links to individual careers to learn all you need to know about both training and employment possibilities.

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