The other name for male impotence, Erectile Dysfunction or ED has numerous causes and will be different for every man depending on their physical and psychological condition.
It was previously believed that Erectile Dysfunction / ED was caused entirely by psychological factors, however it is now known that physical conditions are present in the majority of male sufferers.
There are few men who will go through life without experiencing erectile dysfunction. Reason for this include everyday physical and psychological problems such as anxiety, stress and tiredness or an increasingly common reason of excessive alcohol consumption.
There are many medical reasons for erectile dysfunction as well, such as diabetes, thyroid conditions, cancer, ME, and a whole host of medications which affects the normal responses in men. Identifying the root cause of erectil dysfunction is crucial.
In many cases there is nothing to worry about, however the anxiety caused by previously failing to attain an erection may exacerbate the problem and lead to "fear of failure". In such cases a man will be so concerned with his ability to attain an erection he fails to become involved with and feel the arousal in sexual activity, which leads to an instance of erectile dysfunction.Men whose problem is of a physical origin would probably notice a gradual onset of erectile failure linked to all sexual activities. This is more apparent as they become older.