Achieving the NLP Practitioner certificate is a considerable achievement, an indication that you have mastered the core skills and knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming.
NLP Practitioner training is offered by numerous organisations, but you should look for a course that offers 120 hours of hands-on training, with a Certified Trainer continuously in attendance. The NLP practitioner Certification concludes with a two-day assessment process in the presence of two Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainers to ensure that you have fully understood, and know how to use, the core skills.
Selecting the right training provider is crucial, and can be difficult. There are numerous groups, organisations, associations, boards and bodies, each of whom have set up their own certification schemes to reflect how they believe NLP should be taught and practiced.
However, if you want to be able to use your qualification in the real world, it is worth checking that the course you are considering is widely recognized. In the UK, two of the mostly widely recognized certification bodies are the ANLP and the ABNLP.
What gives these bodies credibility is that they are independent organisations, not affiliated with any specific training school, offering a universal accreditation scheme that is open to all certified NLP Trainers.
They will only accredit trainers whose programs meet key criteria, including:
- Agreement on the Core Syllabus
- Method of delivery
- Trainee support prior, during and after the training
- Follow up procedures
- Problem solving procedures
- Guarantees and conflict resolution procedures
- Ethics
By checking that your training provider is accredited in this way, you can ensure that the training you receive is of good quality and properly recognised and accredited.