What they offer :
As the name suggests, thedietplate is a portion control plate that takes the hassle out of dieting.
If you love to cook but hate to diet, thedietplate is the product for you. It saves you all the bother of weighing food portions or counting calories, and comes in a variety of versions, including:
- English
- French
- Italian
- Asian
- Vegetarian
Whichever one you choose, you will get a pre-measured plate that ensures that you eat a sensible amount of a balanced diet.
How can it do that? Because it provides measured sectioned or calibrated areas for the various types of food that make up your daily diet, such as Protein, Starchy Carbohydrates, Vegetables, Dairy and Fat.
Does it work:![](../../pix/img_dietplateproducts2.jpg)
At one level it's easy to say that dieting is dieting - you have to eat fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight. However, having said that, anything that makes the process easier is to be welcomed.
The bottom line is that if you use the plate regularly, as it is designed to be used, it can help you lose weight without the hassle. When combined with a Calorie Controlled Breakfast Bowl, it shows you exactly how much to eat each day, and which foods to eat. |