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Drug addiction & hypnosis

Can you treat drug addiction with hypnosis? This complementary therapy is being used more frequently to treat addictions, and research and apocryphal reports both suggest that it can be very effective.

Treating drug addiction with hypnosis can be done in a number of ways, and there are some therapists who specialise in this - check professional hypnotherapy bodies and they will be able to tell you which of their members in your area have training and experience in this.

This is an approach well worth considering. In 2004 the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis reported a study in which drug addiction was treated with hypnosis with a 77% success rate - success here being defined as being substance free for at least 1-year.

The first step to success with this approach is the desire to change - hypnotherapy, despite its somewhat lurid public image, works only with those things we truly want to do. Thus the desire to kick the habit, and do whatever it takes, is essential for success.

The therapist will then take that desire and give you the tools to help it become reality. They do this in different ways, including dealing with the issues that led to the addiction in the first place, working on self-esteem, and helping you to build the resources you will need to stick with your decision in the real world.

For those who have made the decision to quit, this can be a powerful tool in the fight to change their lives.

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