Famous for being the birth place of Captain Cook it's sited on the North East coast of England. Search for physiotherapy in Middlesbrough with the help of thefitmap.co.uk. Our dedicated directory of physiotherapists in Middlesbrough will help you to choose an experienced practitioner to help you with your injury or rehab. With dedicated pages on physiotherapy, if you live in Middlesbrough and you need to find it, then look no further.
See your business here! From as little as £180 per 5 postcode areas per year, you can get your business featured right here at the top of our directory results. Find out more by checking our advertising section. |
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Physiotherapy Clinic The Middlesbrough, TS1
Tel: 01642 245 098 |
Pennyman School Physiotherapy Middlesbrough, TS3
Tel: 01642 300 708 |
P A Chinn Grad Dip Phys MCSP SRP Redcar, TS10
Tel: 01642 490 110 |
Ian Brown LCSP(Assoc) Darlington, DL2
Tel: 01325 721 357 |
N Carnell MCSP SRP Darlington, DL1
Tel: 01325 369 155 |
Darlington Football & Sports Injury Clinic Darlington, DL3
Tel: 01325 354 050 |
C A Padget LCSP(Phys) Newton Aycliffe, DL5
Tel: 01325 316 968 |