Based in the North of England, finding Yoga in Middlesbrough is as easy as searching our dedicated complementary therapy directory. With over 1,000 teachers and instructors listed, finding the perfect teacher of Yoga in Middlesbrough is now a quick and simple process. So get started on your new fitness regime with the help of
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Lesley Wood | |
Middlesbrough, TS4 |
tel: 01642 272637 | |
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Meryl Bye | |
Middlesbrough, TS7 |
tel: 01642 315939 | |
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Peter Barker | |
Billingham, TS22 |
tel: 01642 863209 | |
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Janet Collier | |
Stockton on Tees, TS19 |
tel: 01642 884151 | |
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Jenny Earle | |
Middlesbrough, TS9 |
tel: 01642 722487 | |
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Colin Thompson | |
Guisborough, TS14 |
tel: 01287 637100 | |
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David Lawson | |
Redcar, TS10 |
tel: 01642 483288 | |
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Pamela Gorst | |
Redcar, TS11 |
tel: 01642 475646 | |
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Jacqui You | |
Middlesbrough, TS9 |
tel: 01642 712997 | |
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Angela Campbell | |
Darlington, DL1 |
tel: 01325 356126 | |
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