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Advertise directly to local users
Simple really. If someone is based in Leeds - then why serve up ads for London companies? This type of advertising is very simple and allows you to appeal to users that are directly the sort of users that you want to attract - especially if you have health or fitness related products and services.
How does it work?
Basically, TheFitMap.com provides a range of directory searches for everything from Health Clubs to Personal Trainers and Physiotherapists through to Health Food Shops. TheFitMap.com displays your ads to users that are searching in an area in which you operate / advertise. These ads are displayed right at the top of the Directory results - therefore getting you excellent prominence in front of the end user.
How many ads will there be?
There will only be a maximum of three featured ads at the top of the results at any one time. We will not have any more than this not only to preserve the integrity of the directory results, but to ensure the ads serve their purpose in standing out.
Towns, Areas & Postcodes
Obviously there are different ways in which to set up your advertising. You could choose to nominate a town like Birmingham, an area like West Midlands, or a Postcode like B1. TheFitMap.com charges this form of advertising against identifying postcodes (i.e. B1, TD22 or BN15 for example.). Therefore, if you wanted to buy an area like Birmingham, then this would mean that you are buying almost 30 postcodes in order to cover the center and close environs.
Prices vary on the extent of the campaign you wish to run and for the length of time. The minimum price that we sell the postcodes for outside of London is ?180.00 per year (which works out at ?15 per month). London postcodes are sold in blocks of 5 for ?250.
What next?
Simply fill out the form below with all your details and then put in the postcodes or areas that you would like to advertise in. Finally, can you also let us know which directory channel (e.g. health clubs and personal trainers) you would like to be included in - the purchase of postcodes is charged for each channel that you choose. One of our advertising team will then call you back to discuss this further.