Looking for a massage therapy course? There are lots to choose from, but not all are of the same standard.
The huge range of massage therapy courses reflects two different things - the growing popularity of this field with the public, and therefore the demand for therapists, and also the wide range of different styles and techniques available.
For those starting out, the best way to navigate this maze of different options is to choose a massage therapy course that teaches generic techniques - then, as you become more experienced you can figure out where you want to specialise.
In order to make sense of these different choices, the General Council for Massage Therapy (GCMT) suggests you start with a general program that covers the following core subjects and competences:
- anatomy, physiology and pathology
- whole body massage
- health and safety issues
- first aid
- assessing a client's needs
- reviewing client's health and well-being over a period of time
- business, professional and ethical standards
A program such as this will typically last around six months full-time or 12 months part-time, and will qualify you for an entry level position.
Entry qualifications vary, but typical requirements would be GCSEs (A-C) in English, biology or human biology, or a BTEC, VTCT or ITEC Certificate or Diploma in anatomy and physiology.
However, as entry requirements can vary widely from one provider to another, be sure to check with your local provider.