So now that we've established the link between burning calories and the amoun to fexercise and training you do, we need to look at a healthy diet as being the other half of the equation. A healthy diet based around lean protein (meat, fish, beans), plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains could do wonders for your overall body fat content - especially your abs if you're also working out.
At all costs you need to eliminate or avoid junk food at every turn. This includes heavily processed food with high salt content and nutritional horrors such as excess sugar, salt, and trans fats.
Trans fats in particular are something to avoid - they are chemically modified fats and far more harmful to our body as they can for example help to raise your body cholesterol levels. A simple example to remember is : that people who discontinue the use of butter to reduce their saturated fats, replacing it with margarine actually increase trans fat ingestion.
So if you want those perfect abs and a toned tummy, you need to start working them effectively through your training. But equally important is that you need to get your diet and workout programme right in tandem to see all the benefits and that ripped stomach!