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Weight loss diet

Are there any guaranteed weight loss diet tips out there? There's certainly many that claim to offer a magical formula that many people are looking for, but can you believe what they say?

The answer to weight loss diet tips and information will depend on how you look at it. There is no doubt that almost any weight loss diet, from Atkins to Scarsdale, can help you shed the pounds - so on one level the answer is that just about every weight loss diet you have ever heard about has the potential to be successful.

On the other hand there is a report from the prestigious University of California Los Angeles that says that following a weight loss diet is the most consistent predictor of weight gain! So what is going on here?

The truth is that all the programs you are familiar with - and the dozens you have never heard of - all have the potential to help you ditch the pounds. Underneath all the fancy claims they make, they pretty much all restrict your calories to a point that is below what you use each day - and if you do that for long enough the pounds will melt away.

The problem is that most of them are so difficult to stick with - because, let's face it, feeling hungry is no fun - that we eventually quit. And unless we have made radical changes in the meantime, as soon as we quit, the pounds start piling back on.

Is there an answer to this vicious cycle? There is, but it's the one answer people don't like to hear - eat sensibly and exercise regularly!



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