The ultimate in quick-fix marketing, slimming patches make impossible promises of substantial weight loss without altering your eating plan, or taking exercise. If you are considering slimming patches as a weight loss tool, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Slimming patches do not have backing from licensed medical professionals, and most claim to work on fairly dubious principles. Expensive and unproven, diet patches are a remedy best steered clear of.
There have been numerous Internet and email scams surrounding different brands of this product. Consumers often spend large amounts of money purchasing these goods on-line, only to discover that they don't deliver anywhere close to the results advertised. These products generally claim to contain herbs or other "natural" ingredients that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin. These ingredients then purportedly promote weight loss in a variety of ways, including acting as an appetite suppressant, speeding up your metabolism, nourishing muscles, removing toxins and lowering cholesterol levels. These are all complex processes that require special targeting and proper medical advice to improve. Counter to this, the marketing for these products assures you that they don't need to alter your eating habits or begin an exercise program; although you are told that the product "is compatible" with these methods of weight loss.
It's important to remember that there is no easy quick-fix to weight loss. It takes a while to put weight on, so it makes sense that it takes a while for it to come back off again. Be wary of any product that claims rapid weight loss with out effort. Weight loss need not be a difficult process, but it does require changes to your lifestyle.
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Any advertising campaign that promises miracle cures for large sums of money should be regarded with caution. If you are sceptical about the claims made by a weight loss product, talk to your doctor. |