Buying slimming magazines can help if you don't have the time or financial means to join a slimming club, as they are a cost-effective alternative. There are a number of slimming magazines readily available at bookshops, off-licences and newsagents. Magazines contain a wealth of valuable information on slimming plans and techniques, and can be read at your leisure and convenience.
Slimming magazines usually contain diet plans, nutritional advice, sample exercise programs and special interest articles like real-life weight loss success stories. They often feature low fat recipes, and have columns where their readers can write in to share personal success stories or give feedback. They are published anywhere from weekly to monthly or bi-monthly, and are generally priced between three and five pounds.
Many clubs put out their own publications, which are available to members and non-members alike. Unfortunately, some of these are not of much use to the general public, because they are so specifically geared to the membership audience. These magazines are helpful companions to membership to the clubs, but are intentionally exclusionary. They don't really impart much information to their non-member readers, and what information they do give is carefully vague so as to encourage membership.
It's important to be as careful choosing a publication as you would be choosing a club. Some publications are backed by accredited professionals, whereas some are not. It's a good rule of thumb to cross-reference any piece of information you're not sure of with a health textbook, or accredited health professional.