Adding neck extensions to your daily stretching routine can do much to maintain flexibility in this crucial area.
Neck extensions are a basic exercise that everyone should perform on a regular basis. Our necks take a lot of abuse - sitting at a PC all day, driving a car, there are so many things we do that they are just not designed for - indeed, walking upright is a strain!
By keeping this area flexible you can help to ward off a lot of problems. There are various stretches you can do, which are detailed in the other pages.
To perform this stretch, sit or stand comfortable, with your neck and shoulders relaxed.
Gently tilt your head back so that you chin points toward the ceiling. Relax and breathe deeply, allowing your head to drop as far as possible - but without actual pain.
Slowly bring your head back up, relax and repeat. You can do this 10 times, and repeat it several times a day, particularly if you feel pain or tightness coming on.