If you've ever suffered an ankle injury, you'll know how painful they can be. They are also likely to put a dent in your training and playing time, so many people use ankle supports to get themselves back in the game quicker.
There's a range of ankle supports on the market, with different uses - talk to a physio first to be sure that the type you get is suitable for the type of injury you've suffered and the activities you plan to undertake.
The most basic ankle supports are the pullover style - elasticated at the top and bottom, they provide comfortable support.
More robust support is found from bi-lateral vinyl braces. These lightweight vinyl braces provide stability to weak or injured ankles, and are sometimes used after cast removal. The soft pliable vinyl molds to the foot and ankle for a tight fit, and are used by some athletes during athletic activity.
Some models also have shaped metal spring stays for increased medial and lateral stability.
A different type of support is provided by the AFO foot drop splint. These are used by patients with a neurological deficit to correct foot drop. Made of polypropylene, they will fit into a standard shoe.