Martial arts instructors work with adults and children to help them learn the skills they need to participate safely and enjoyably in a particular martial art.
Martial arts instructors demonstrate techniques and explain the principles behind them for students of all levels and abilities. This can involve writing training programmes, observing students to assess their progress, and providing appropriate feedback.
To be a martial arts instructor you will need to acquire instructor membership of the national governing body (NGB) for your particular style. Typically you will need to be at least a 1st Dan Black Belt. In addition, a valid first aid certificate and a recommendation from your association is also required before you can attend an instructor award course.
Some NGBs also require that you have held an assistant coach qualification for six months. Coaching awards vary widely from one style to another, though most are studied either as short full-time courses or through distance learning.
If you are more experienced, 3rd Dan or above, then you may be able to train as a senior coach. This will allow you to train students at higher levels, for example 1st Dan Black belt students. Whatever level you teach, you will be required to hold valid liability insurance.
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