A German priest developed the Kneipp Cure in the nineteenth century. He believed that short cold baths could have a positive impact on the overall health of patients. Though too poor to buy expensive medication, he succeeded in curing himself of TB using intense cold bath treatments.
In 1886, he published a book entitled 'My Water Cure' and as a result gained a considerable following throughout Europe. He was credited with saving many cholera victims and his thinking greatly influenced the natural healing movement.
The cold bath or Kneipp Cure is still very popular in modern spas and can take a variety of forms. These include bathing, soaking, wrapping, and massage using Kneipp cure products.
Different types of bathing are often combined with improvements in diet and herbology. The five pillars of the original system were dietetic, hydro, kinesi, phyto and regulative. The emphasis today is still on treating the body as a whole entity in order to improve your overall physical and emotional health.
What are the benefits?
The basic idea behind these treatments is that alternating between hot and cold water can stimulate your body's circulation and methods of natural healing.
It can be helpful to treat those recovering from surgery or an accident as it assists in rebuilding the muscles. It's also good for easing pain such as that caused by arthritis or lower backache. Toxins are gradually brought to the surface of the skin and washed away. This is also good for reducing stress, leaving you feeling cleaner and more relaxed.