When fat loss is the focus, Thermodynamx will step up to the plate. This product, created by EAS, is meant to provide rapid fat loss that cannot be matched by diet and exercise alone.
Thermodynamx does this by helping to increase the metabolic rate, getting you burning calories faster than you would have if you weren't taking the product. Since your total calorie intake at the end of the day is what will determine whether your lose body fat, this is a very important part of the equation.
In addition to boosting metabolic rate, Thermodynamx will help to boost your energy levels as well as helping to enhance your ability to focus. For those involved in sports, this becomes even more important because at times, when you are dieting, you may find that the hunger feelings start to preside over your ability to concentrate.
The main ingredients that this product contains are Cayenne Fruit, Green Tea compounds, Caffeine, Theobromine, and Gingerols.
In order for it to work most effectively, you should take two to three capsules twice per day before your meals, as well as one right before you are to begin an exercise session. Do note that if you are very sensitive to caffeine or other supplements, you may want to lower this dosage first so you can see how your body reacts. Some individuals will find that they get very jittery upon taking it so this is something to be aware of.