If you're looking to both increase your muscle mass and burn fat faster, HMB is a good product to start with in your quest.
EAS was the very first company to bring HMB to the supplement market, making it the leader when it comes to research on what will deliver the most effective results.
HMB 1000 has been discussed by thousands of media sources for its benefits when it comes to all aspects of physical fitness and has been a widely used supplement by many for a vast number of years.
This product, which actually stands for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate, is metabolite of the branched chain amino acid luecine. It can be found naturally in both plant and animal foods; however, often an individual's diets will still be lacking in sufficient intake and therefore supplemental use becomes preferable.
For this product to work most effectively, it is recommended that you take four capsules per day, three times each day with your meals. If you are quite a bit heavier (200 pounds plus), then you may want to look into taking up to five or six grams of the product to ensure that you receive optimal benefits. If price is a concern for you, you can reduce the dosage slightly on days you don't train to help reduce the costs of supplementation.
Note too that with this dose of supplementation there should be no adverse side effects seen, so it is perfectly safe to take for almost all individuals.