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Rego recovery sports fuel

After you put in a hard exercise session, Rego Recovery Sports Fuel is what you should be looking to take to optimize how well your body repairs itself.

Rego Recovery Sports Fuel has been scientifically formulated to provide you with the right combination of micro-nutrients that will help to improve the replenishment of the body's muscle glycogen stores as well as allow you to grow stronger and faster.

Rego Recovery Sports Fuel contains a very special blend of complex carbohydrates, fructose, and protein, and it is this combination that will work together in the body to deliver optimal results.

What sets this product apart from the other carbohydrate products such as PSPS22 is that it does contain a good dose of protein, therefore it will not only aid in enhancing the muscle's supply of energy but also provide the building blocks that the muscles can use to repair any damage that was created during the exercise session.

The flavours that are available in this product are banana, strawberry, chocolate, and Vanilla. With each serving, you'll get 314 calories, 55 grams of carbohydrates, 27 grams of protein, minimal amounts of fat, and will get a wide assortment of vitamins and minerals.

This truly is a product that will help you optimize your sports or exercise performance because without giving your body the nutrition right after you work it so hard, you are only fulfilling half the training picture. Nutrition can be just as vital as the actual training therefore, making sure you meet your needs is key.




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