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More tips for starting an exercise program
- Go slowly to begin with. If you've been inactive for years, you can't run the London Marathon after two weeks of training.
- Don't try and outdo the people you see at the gym who have been working out for years.
- Always warm up, take your workouts at an easy pace to begin with, and let your body adapt to the new strains you're putting it through.
- Gradually build up the frequency, time, and intensity of your workouts.
- Find someone else to work out with - it's more fun, and you're less likely to skip a workout if you know someone else is going to know about it.
- Follow a varied program. The more interest and variety you have in your program, the more likely you are to stick with it. There are loads to choose from:
- Classes (from aerobics to yoga)
- Weights (resistance) training
- Cardio workouts (indoors) - treadmill, stepper, bikes, rowing machine, elliptical trainer, lap swimming
- Sports (basketball, soccer etc)
- Outdoors exercise (walking, running, hiking, biking, rock climbing etc)