Resistance workouts refer to any kind of strength training - from free weights (barbells, dumbbells) to machines to resistance bands. There are loads of ways to change these workouts on a regular basis:
- Change the intensity - for example, one day per week do a workout with minimal rest between sets.
- Target one body part per workout to work to exhaustion
- Vary your reps and weights - do some heavier low rep sessions, then another day try lighter high rep sessions
- Look for new exercises to add to your workout - adding just one per week will make a huge difference over time
- Do your workout in a different order - if you always do chest, then shoulders, then arms etc, change around - it's amazing what a difference it can make to your workout
- If you use machines, consider gradually changing to free weights - they provide a much better workout, and offer almost endless possibilities in terms of exercise choice.
Other ideas - these are things you can do whatever type of workout you normally do:
- Find a training partner - there's nothing like a training partner to get you working hard
- Work with a personal trainer for a while - a professional will look at what you do, pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, and devise a workout that targets those areas
- Train for a race or an event - when you have a deadline, a goal, it provides the motivation you need to go the extra mile or crank out the extra set
Mixing it up can re-ignite your passion for exercise, and move you past a sticking point - and once you start to see the results, you'll be inspired to work even harder.