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Burn fat using the insulin response

If you want to use more fats for energy, the insulin response must be moderated. Diets high in refined sugars release more insulin thereby allowing less stored fat to be burned. High insulin levels also suppress two important hormones: glucagons, which promotes the burning of fat and sugar, and growth hormone (HGH) which is used for muscle development and building new muscle mass.

Finally, insulin also causes us to feel hungry. As blood sugar increases following a carbohydrate meal, insulin rises to lower your blood sugar. When your blood sugar drops quickly, you feel hungry. This can lead to cravings, usually for sweets.

So what can you do? You have to moderate the insulin response by limiting (ideally, eliminating) your intake of refined sugars, and keep your carbohydrate intake to about 40% of total calories. Generally, non-carbohydrate foods (protein and fat) don't produce much insulin.

One diet that works on this principle is the GI diet. Another popular strategy is to increase the amount of protein in your diet - there is good evidence to suggest that a protein rich diet will boost fat loss. Simply by cutting back on carbs (especially refined ones) and adding more quality protein to your diet, you can gain long-term control over your weight.

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