Choosing a foundation shade is a difficult thing. There's lots of factors to take into consideration, from skin tone, to skin type, to season, and you don't want to make a mistake at the counter and get stuck with the wrong foundation makeup. So how can you avoid getting stuck with the wrong foundation make up? How can you make sure that you take into account all the right factors? And if you do end up stuck with the wrong foundation makeup, what can you do about it?
If you don't want to get stuck with the wrong foundation makeup, make sure that you're clear on what you want your product to do for you. What skin type are you? Do you need a product containing moisturiser, or do you want something that's geared to oily skin? Do you need your product to contain a sunscreen? What's the season? Do you have the kind of skin that tans in summer, meaning you need to consider a darker shade for the summer months? Once you've answered these questions for yourself, make sure to articulate them clearly to the consultant so they can help you find exactly what you're looking for.
The next thing is to make sure you try the shade on in the shop. Ask the consultant. They will usually be happy to help you apply it. This makes sure that you're getting a product with the right weight and shade. Don't buy a colour that doesn't match your current skin tone, even if summer is coming and the consultant tells you that you'll tan into it. This is a great way to end up with the wrong product. If you do tan heavily in the summer, wait until you've got the tan before trying to find a product to match it.
If you do get sold the wrong product, it's hard to reverse the situation. If you feel that it wasn't your fault and that you were badly advised or pressured by the consultant, discontinue using the product and take it back to the counter and explain the situation. Some places will exchange the product rather than lose a customer. You can also try to contact the company that makes the product, who will sometimes refund your money or replace the product.
But remember, it's far easier to take steps to make sure you get the right product in the first place than it is to try and exchange it later!