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PruHealth Vitality

Previously in the press a lot, the PruHealth gym membership promotion proved a very successful campaign, so why have they dropped it? In essence PruHealth health insurance have changed the emphasis to focus on leading a healthy lifestyle - the Vitality Programme.

What is the Vitality Programme?

PruHealth health insurance believes that if you lead a healthy lifestyle, that should be reflected in your health insurance cover - i.e. the more healthy, the less you pay as you are less likely to claim against the policy. So the Vitality Programme looks at areas including exercise and eating well.

How does the Vitality Programme work?

Basically, the more "Vitality Points" you earn, the higher your Vitality Status becomes. Everyone starts with the Bronze Programme and then you can work your way through the Silver, Gold to Platinum (where you receive 100% no claims savings).

There are a number of gyms that you can use from chains like LA Fitness, Nuffield, Livingwell and Virgin Active where they monitor your membership, how often you go. Even if you already have an existing illness, you can use this programme. By managing your condition the right way you can then earn some more Vitality Points. So as you can see it is quite flexible and is designed to help reward you for leading a healthy lifestyle.

What now?

We will shortly be adding the QUOTE details for you to find out more and get your own quote for this unique health insurance package. Please bookmark us and come back soon.

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