Sit back, read the paper, get in shape. Recumbent exercise bikes offer a different type of workout that many people seem to appreciate. Recumbent exercise bikes are now found in most health clubs, and are increasingly popular with older people or those with back problems, because they are comfortable and non-impact.
Although most people use them in a pretty laid back way, used properly they offer a great workout. Whereas on an upright machine you have weight and gravity on your side, on a recumbent exercise bike, you have to work more to turn the pedals. Additionally, because the pedals are in front of you rather than below, you'll find that these machines work the glutes and thighs differently than on an upright, adding to the benefits of your cycling workout.
Many clients will look for these machines on the recommendation of a doctor or trainer - health professionals are increasingly recommending this design because the comfortable position places less stress on the back, wrists, shoulders and butt.
When shopping for these machines, look not only for durability, but also those that offer a good range of programmes. The better models will offer everything from easy settings for beginners through to programmes that simulate hills, tough enough for your fittest clients.
The combination of a comfortable, laid back position and the ability to get a great workout means that these machines will be well used in almost any gym or club.