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Sport test

By undertaking a sport test, you can measure your performance in a number of ways. Sports tests as a part of your program assessment ensure you get a better idea of how well your training is going to help with your on court or field performance.

Look for a sport test in your specific sport for a variety of movements since this will allow you to develop a better well-rounded fitness program.

Basketball Tests

The most common basketball tests to perform are ones that will assess your agility ability, dribbling ability and your shooting accuracy. You'll want to strengthen these skills in your training program so that you'll see improvements on both the basketball tests and during the game.

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Rowing Tests

Rowing tests will help to determine your VO2 max levels as well as your muscular abilities. Rowing tests can be done every two or three months as this is generally how much time it will take to notice a difference in your performance level.

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Rugby Tests

Performing rugby tests will allow you to assess a multitude of fitness factors. This is a sport that calls upon aerobic fitness, strength and agility therefore implementing a variety of rugby tests on a regular basis will keep you reaching for optimum physical ability levels.

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Track & Field Tests

Because there are a variety of events, track & field tests will assess a large range of skills. From sprinting ability to jumping skill to throwing force power, by doing a combination of track & field tests you will really get a good picture at your overall fitness level.

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Walking Tests

If you aren't an avid runner, walking tests are going to be a great way to determine your aerobic abilities. You can perform walking tests going for speed, distance or incline gradient. All of these will challenge you physically and enable you to see your progress.

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Rugby tests
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