What is the point?
The rugby football tests will assess a wide variety of physical skills, all of which are necessary components to becoming a good player.
Taking the time to plan out a training program that encompasses all of these variables is one of the best ways to ensure that you are targeting all the variables you need to be.
The objective of the Rugby Football test is to evaluate your speed, endurance, dexterity and agility for Rugby Football.
What do you need?
- A running track
- 5 cones
- Two balls
- A Rugby Football field
How do you do the test? - To begin, the cooper 12 minute run test or some other type of running assessment is performed.
- Second comes a thirty metre sprint time, which you will perform a total of three times to determine your best score.
- For the third portion, you are to perform a squat thrusting action and count how many reps you can get in one full minute. After that, you will do the same thing only performing sit-ups and then also with push-ups.
- Assessment six consists of a stamina bound over a distance of 22 metres. You will move through a shuttle system, then perform some immediate turnabouts moving through these requirements: hop right legs, giant strides, hop left leg, giant strides, double foot bounds and then a sprint to the end. Your total time to do this should then be recorded.
- For part seven, you will do a zigzag run where you go straight from a starting point A to point B (15 metre vertical distance), then to point C which is a spot four metres horizontally from where you are only on back across from point A. You will weave your way around five cones which are set up vertically, 2 metres apart along this line until you reach the same point at which point you sprint back up to a point E (8 metres across from point B) and then to the finish, which again is 8 metres across from A.
- The next part is called the star run. The course is marked by having four points located at all four corners of an imaginary box, A, B, C, and D. One ball is placed in the center of the box and at the starting corner A (upper left). You will start at point A, run into the center, exchange the balls and then sprint back up to the upper right hand corner. Then you sprint back to E, change the ball again and then sprint down to the lower left corner, then back to E, change balls one final time and then sprint to D.
- Note that the distance from each corner on the horizontal should be 8 metres and on the vertical, 15 metres. Your total time is what is recorded for this assessment.
- For the last assessment you do a "Diagonal Pitch Run", which involves sprinting from one corner, across a field diagonally to the opposite corner, then straight up the field to a point horizontal with the start and then once again diagonally across the field. At this point you then sprint back straight across to the start position.
What results you'll get :
Once you've completed all the assessments then you can compare your results from previous tries.
What is being measured again?
These test measures your strength, endurance, speed, agility and dexterity for Rugby Football.