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Leg strength test
For runners and speed athletes, the Leg Strength Test is an excellent way to evaluate the effectiveness of your training program.
What is the point?
While many tests measure pure strength, the Leg Strength Test is one of the few that evaluates how that strength translates into power and speed. As this is critical for most athletes, this is a highly effective way to know if your training is actively improving these critical skills.
What do you need?
- 400 metre track
- Cones
- Stop Watch
- Assistant
How do you do the test?
- Use two cones to mark out a 25 metre straight section of track
- Start 10 to 15 metres behind the starting line
- Jog to the start, then hop the 25 metres from cone to cone
- Do this first on the dominant leg, then rest and repeat on the other leg
- The assistant records your time to complete the 25 metres
What results you'll get :
As with all tests, the value comes from comparing your results over time.
To compare against normative date, you can use the chart below.
Normative data for the Leg Strength Test
The following data has been obtained from the results of tests conducted with world class athletes.
% Rank |
Females |
Males |
91-100 |
3.13 - 3.75 secs |
2.70 - 3.25 secs |
81 - 90 |
3.76 - 4.50 secs |
3.36 - 3.90 secs |
71 - 80 |
4.51 - 5.70 secs |
3.91 - 5.00 secs |
61 - 70 |
5.71 - 6.90 secs |
5.01 - 6.10 secs |
51 - 60 |
6.91 - 8.15 secs |
6.11 - 7.20 secs |
41 - 50 |
8.16 - 8.90 secs |
7.21 - 7.90 secs |
31 - 40 |
8.91 - 9.45 secs |
7.91 - 8.40 secs |
21 - 30 |
9.46 - 10.05 secs |
8.41 - 8.95 secs |
11 - 20 |
10.06 - 10.34 secs |
8.96 - 9.25 secs |
1 - 10 |
10.35 - 10.70 secs |
9.26 - 9.60 secs |
What is being measured again?
This is an excellent way to evaluate ballistic leg strength.