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Chest pull over with dumbells

Chest pull over with dumbells - allows you to stress the back AND chest together in one advanced exercise.

A nice alternative to the lat pulldown or seated row
What you need for Chest pull over with dumbells :

how to do it
  • Grasp a heavy dumbbell. Lie on a bench, keeping a flat back, your feet on the floor and your head on the bench
  • Hold the weight above your chest with your arms slightly bent at the elbows. This is the start position
  • Inhale deeply. Slowly lower the weight back behind your head. Pause briefly before returning the weight to the start position
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. i.e. 6 - 8 power and strength, 8 - 12 for muscular size and 12 - 15 for muscle tone
  • other chest exercises

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