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Lactic versus Speed Test
The Lactic versus Speed Test was developed in New Zealand by Les Archer to assess speed endurance assessment in 400 metre runners.
What is the point?
Running 400 metres requires both speed and endurance. New Zealand coach Les Archer developed the Lactic versus Speed Test, which involves a series of different length sprints, in order to assess this endurance.
What do you need?
- 400 metre track
- Stopwatch
- Assistant
How do you do the test?
First, complete a 500 metre time trial.
At least 48 hours later, perform the following sequence:
- 50 metres - record the time (T2)
- 4 minutes recovery
- 100 metres - record the time (T3)
- 4 minutes recovery
- 150 metres - record the time (T4)
- 4 minutes recovery
- 200 metres - record the time (T5)
What results you'll get :
Add the times S1 = T2 + T3 + T4 + T5 to discover your speed endurance.
What is being measured again?
This test is a good way to assess speed endurance.