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Chester step test
Developed in the 1990s, the Chester step test is a good tool for assessing cardio fitness.
What is the point?
Fitness can be measured in many ways - the Chester step test was developed to measure the overall fitness of firemen, and thus uses steps as its assessment method.
However, it is now available for the general population, and is a good way to measure overall aerobic conditioning.
What do you need?
- Step
- Heart rate monitor
- Portable CD player
- Perceived exertion scale (Borg RPE)
- The Chester Step Test (CD Rom) - this includes metronome and music beat audio tracks, plus 50 data collection sheets.
How do you do the test?
- Step height varies for different participants (0.15 to 0.30 meters) - there are standardized criteria for choosing the step height based on your age and physical activity history.
- Starting step rate is 15 steps per minute
- Every 2 minutes the tempo increases by 5 steps per minute.
- Stepping rate is set by the recorded metronome and guided verbal instructions
- When you reach 80% of age estimated heart rate maximum or an RPE of 14 on the Borg scale, stop.
What results you'll get :
Software which is included with the disc automatically calculates your score and stores your history data so you can monitor your progress over time. By comparing your scores over time you can track the effectiveness of your workout program. Your results can be viewed on screen, or printed off.
What is being measured again?
This provides a sub-maximal assessment of aerobic fitness.