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Treadmill tests

For both runners and walkers, treadmill tests are excellent for determining your level of fitness. Treadmill tests can be used to assess VO2 max, time to exhaustion, lactate threshold and sprint ability.

Astrand Treadmill Test

To test your aerobic and leg strength capability, perform an Astrand treadmill test on a regular basis. This is a great assessment for those who are not very fast runners since you will stay at 5 mph the entire time.

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Bruce Treadmill Test Monitors VO2 Max

Since the Bruce treadmill test monitors VO2 max levels, it will be a good way to assess how well you are able to work aerobically. One of the benefits of this assessment is that both active and non-active individuals can get a recording after performing it.

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Balke Treadmill Test

The Balke treadmill test is a good way to measure your aerobic capabilities, whether you are an active individual or more sedentary. There are specifications for the assessment for each group of people so you can be sure it will meet your needs.

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