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The 400m drop off performance evaluation test
Coaches use the 400m drop off performance evaluation test to assess their athletes' anaerobic capacity.
What is the point?
The quarter mile is a demanding event, combining pure speed with anaerobic endurance. The 400m drop off performance evaluation test compares times over 100m and the longer distance in order to assess this anaerobic endurance.
What do you need?
- 400m track
- Stop watch
- An assistant
How do you do the test?
This test involves running two different distances, 100 meters and 400 meters.
- Run 100 metres at full speed
- Recover for 5 minutes
- Run 400 metres at full speed
- Divide the 400 metre time by 4 and compare to the 100 metre time - the difference between the two is the drop off.
What results you'll get :
By comparing results over time you can assess the effectiveness of the training program.
For example:
100m time = 13.0 seconds 400m time = 60.0 seconds 60 ? 4 = 15 seconds
15 - 13 = a drop off time of 2 seconds
You can reduce 'drop off' time by increasing anaerobic efficiency.
What is being measured again?
This is a test of an athlete's anaerobic efficiency.