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Sprinters 150 metre endurance test
Sprinters - the 150 metre Endurance Test is a good way to test your sprint endurance.
What is the point?
To ensure you finish strongly, it is important to train 'over-distance' - longer than your race. For 100 meter sprinters, the 150 metre Endurance Test is an excellent way to test their sprint endurance.
What do you need?
- 400 metre track
- Stop watch
- Assistant
How do you do the test?
- Mark out a 150 metre section on the track
- Run 150 metres from a standing start
- Record the time
What results you'll get :
Regularly performing this test will enable you to track your progress over a season.
You can use the calculator below to get a predicted 100 metre time. You can also time your 150 metre time based on your target 100m time - good for training.
What is being measured again?
This is an effective measure of your endurance for the 100 metres.