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Shuttle Run Tests
One of the common fitness assessments, the shuttle run test, is a great way to help measure your speed and agility.
Your speed and agility levels will determine how well you are able to perform in various sports and daily activities, as well as being a barometer for your overall health.
What is the point?
Speed and agility are two key components of a vast number of sports therefore ensuring that these two factors are currently being addressed by your workouts is important. Performing a shuttle run test every few months will help to monitor any changes in your performance and also potentially help to spot overtraining syndrome. Often individuals who are going to need such a test are those who are involved in high level sports who also partake in a large amount of training. Because of this volume, overtraining is more likely so if you notice your results of your shuttle run test going down, this may be why.
The objective of the Shuttle Run test is to evaluate your speed and agility in order to determine your fitness level.
What do you need?
- A partner
- Blocks
- Marker cones
- Measuring tape
- A stopwatch
- A non-slip surface
How do you do the test?
The assessment will require that you run back and forth between two parallel lines as fast as you can, thus not only testing your speed but your stop and go ability as well. - Set up two lines of cones approximately 30 feet apart (or alternatively use line markings).
- Place two blocks of wood or some type of easily graspable object next to each line.
- The individual performing the assessment will then run from one line to the other, picking up the block as he or she comes to each line and putting it down to pick up the other when they reach the opposite line.
The objective of this test is to perform this as fast as possible, therefore you will want to record you best time out of three trials. distance you are to go. If you normally are not working in distances of 30 feet, you can simply reduce this smaller or make it longer to match your needs. |
What results you'll get :
You can chart your progress by doing the test repeatedly over time and noting how much faster you are able to complete the task. You're only competing against yourself!
What is being measured again?
This test measures speed and agility over shorter distances.