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Canadian crunch test
If you want to know how strong your abs are, the Canadian Crunch Test will give you a measurable outcome.
Athletes need strong abs. The core is now recognised as essential for almost all sporting movements, allowing an athlete to maintain balance and control in almost any sporting endeavour. The Canadian Crunch test is one measure of that strength.
What do you need?
- Strips of tape
- Tape measure
- Metronome
- An assistant
How do you do the test?
- Set the metronome to a rate of 40 beats per minute
- Lie on your back with your arms extended to your sides
- The assistant places a strip of tape on the floor at the end of your fingertips
- They then place another piece of tape 3 inches (7.5 cm) forward from the first strip
- You then complete crunches by curling your rib cage towards your pelvis until your fingers reach the second strip of tape.
- Repeat as many reps as possible to a 40 BPM metronome count
- When you can no longer execute another crunch in time with the metronome the assessment is finished
- The assistant counts the number of correctly completed crunches
What results you'll get :
For results to be meaningful, you must complete the assessment several times, so that you can compare your progress over time. For men an excellent score is 60 repetitions, 50 for women.
What is being measured again?
The objective of this assessment is to measure abdominal endurance.